
Save On Rockler F-Style Clamp Rack Online Store

you looking for cheap Rockler F-Style Clamp Rack?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Rockler F-Style Clamp Rack and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Rockler F-Style Clamp Rack Features

  • 24-3/8'' overall length
  • Wall Mounted
  • Galvanized steel

Rockler F-Style Clamp Rack Overview

A compact solution to a sprawling problem! This new rack from Rockler herds your
F-clamps together and mounts them firmly to the wall so your clamps are where you need them, when you need them. Pre-drilled
holes are 16" on center for simple mounting to wall studs; slotted holes line up with
the Pack Rack. Constructed of sturdy galvanized steel for a lifetime of service. 24-3/8"
overall length.

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