
Save On HTC HCR-160 Deluxe Mobile Clamp Rack with Extensions Online Store

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HTC HCR-160 Deluxe Mobile Clamp Rack with Extensions Features

  • Organizes your clamps
  • Wheels allow easy movement of the rack
  • 500 lb capacity
  • Extensions for more storage

HTC HCR-160 Deluxe Mobile Clamp Rack with Extensions Overview

Give your clamps a home of their own! This mobile clamp rack will help organize your clamps, and the integrated caster system allows you to get them where they need to be - close to your work area. When finished with your project, your clamps can be stored and parked out of the way until your next glue-up. 52" high unit fits in a small 18" x 26" space and holds between 22 and 55 clamps depending on size and length. Storage plus organization plus mobility all add up to a must have for your workshop!

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