
Buy Interdesign Over The Cabinet Towel Bar Store

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Interdesign Over The Cabinet Towel Bar Features

  • Interdesign #29450 6"SS Over Cab Towel Bar
  • InterDesign #83440

Interdesign Over The Cabinet Towel Bar Overview

Cabinet space can be extended further by mounting the Stainless Steel Over Cabinet Towel Bar belonging to the Forma line of kitchen and bath storage products. It can be set up over doors of cabinets and drawers of kitchens and bathrooms, and displayed either on the inside or outside of a cabinet. The brushed stainless steel finish on this Over Cabinet Towel Holder easily blends in with the interiors of modern modular kitchens or living rooms. Even after years of usage, you will find no marks or scratches on this cabinet door as the inside of the hook of this towel holder has a rubber lining. This also prevents slipping of the mounted towel holder. Sized 2 3/4-inchH by 9 1/4-inchW by 2 1/4-inchD, the steel towel holder fits any standard sized cabinet door or drawer.

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